Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tucson, AZ May 29-31

We stopped here for some rest. It is about 1/2 way between Carlsbad and Moorpark. The pool was awesome!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Big Spring, TX May 26

Rest Day.....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stroud, OK May 23-24

The motel in Stroud was OK. The pool was closed until Memorial Day Weekend. But we did some super fun stuff. On Sunday, we went to Oklahoma City. My mom and Aunt Kathy went to the Oklahoma City Memorial while my dad took Hunter and me to Frontier City! It's a big amusement park with lots of roller coasters and stuff.

On Monday, we took pictures with the owner of The Rock Cafe. She was the inspiration for the porsche in "Cars." We also got to see fire flies!! We just went out behind the hotel in the bushes and there were a ton of them. Sorry, no pictures!

We then went to the golf course and played golf with a friend of Uncle Jeff's (Percy) and his brother JT showed up to ride along. It was a lot of fun but very hot! We then went back to the "Office" and hung out.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yukon, OK to Stroud, OK May 22

We left early to catch up with the riders. We went to place called "Pops". I did not think I would like it but it had hundreds of differents kinds of soda pop! We also watched Uncle Jeff get interviewed by a TV channel.

After breakfast, we drove to Chandler, OK for lunch. People in the restaurant knew who Uncle Jeff was!
We then drove to a winery in Stroud. A whole bunch of people were waiting for us! My little brother and I got to ride in with my dad and Uncle Jeff. We then rode the last mile with them, in front of the parade. It was cool.

Clinton, OK to Yukon, OK May 21

Stafford Air and Space Museum in Weatherford, Oklahoma

Oklahoma countryside

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shamrock, TX to Clinton, OK May 20

Yanked out of bed early, we tried to catch up daddy and Uncle Jeff at the Oklahoma border. We took Route 66 and they ended up on the highway so me missed them. We continued on to a small town with no restaurants. So we ended up at a fast food place called Sonic. Never been to one before. I really don't like fast food places but my brother, Hunter had a hamburger. I tried the shake... We ended up in the car all day staying close to the bike riders. Route 66 was very bumpy so mom could not do any home schooliong in the car (she gets car sick). So we just commented on how green everything was. We got to the hotel right after the riders; we took Route 66 into town and the hotel is not on Route 66. We did not wait to check in; we went right to the pool to swim. Fun!