Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stroud, OK May 23-24

The motel in Stroud was OK. The pool was closed until Memorial Day Weekend. But we did some super fun stuff. On Sunday, we went to Oklahoma City. My mom and Aunt Kathy went to the Oklahoma City Memorial while my dad took Hunter and me to Frontier City! It's a big amusement park with lots of roller coasters and stuff.

On Monday, we took pictures with the owner of The Rock Cafe. She was the inspiration for the porsche in "Cars." We also got to see fire flies!! We just went out behind the hotel in the bushes and there were a ton of them. Sorry, no pictures!

We then went to the golf course and played golf with a friend of Uncle Jeff's (Percy) and his brother JT showed up to ride along. It was a lot of fun but very hot! We then went back to the "Office" and hung out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had some fun in Stroud. You deserve it after 21 days on the road putting up with so much adult stuff.
