Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Santa Monica to Rialto, CA. May 2, 2010

After I woke up in the Holiday Inn in Santa Monica; we got in the car and started driving toward the Wigwam Hotel in Rialto (ree-al-tow). On the way out of the city, we visited China Town. It was very fun; it had a bunch of...well... Chineese stuff. There were restaurants, homes, and even a town square with some dragons and other interesting things. When we got ot of China Town (finally) we got onto the historic Route 66. We drove down a tree lined road with some middle classed; one floored homes. The, we finally caught up to my dad and Uncle Jeff. We had a snack and I took some video and pictures. Then we rode further and took a detour to THREE Verizon stores in search of a broadband card which allows internet access anywhere, as logn as you have cell-phone coverage; I'm using it right now to write this. On the way out of the Verizon store, I had to use the bathroom. Thus, we walked into a store named L&L Hawaiian Barbecue. Turns out, they had vanilla mochas! It was the best one I've ever had! Now I'm in search of the best vanilla shake of all time, so far, L&L has the best one. Then, we drove to the Wigwam Hotel. We went swimming, skyped with my best friend and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning.....

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