Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Barsow, CA to Ludlow, CA May 4, 2010

When I woke I the next mornng blah blah took 10 minitues blah blah ok yeah. We were driving down Route 66 and we came across an old beat up cafe' called the Bagdad Cafe'. At first I didn't want to go in; but at that moment my mom comes into the car saying: "They have chocolate and vanilla shakes!". At that moment I BOLTED for the door. I ignored the smokey smell and ordered my shake. After lunch, I took a few pictures, then we drove to this remote motel. In fact was so remote, that, we had to check in at the gas station! When we checked in, we did nothing for the whole day. We were in my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jeff's room, visiting when my OTHER uncle came! Then we all went to bed. When I woke up the next morning...

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