Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rialto, CA to Barstow, CA May 3, 2010

We woke up in the Wigwam Motel at around 8:45 A.M and it took 15 minutes to get ready....I was TIRED because I stayed up late reading. When we finally started driving we drove to the Summit Inn and somebody from the Route 66 Pulse magazine came to interview my dad and Uncle Jeff about their huge bicycle adventure. I had a vanilla shake. Then we drove to Barstow. When we got there we stayed at the Barstow Holiday Inn Express. We unloaded the trailer and we went swimming. Then we went to a mexican restaurant. When we got home we played a game of monopoly with Aunt Kathy [Hunter won]. Finally we went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning...

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